Buffalo, South Carolina Weather by Month

Buffalo, South Carolina, is a small unincorporated community located in Union County in the northern part of the state. Situated approximately 30 miles southwest of Spartanburg and 70 miles northwest of Columbia, Buffalo offers a serene rural setting while being within driving distance of larger urban centers. The community’s geographical coordinates are approximately 34.7149° N latitude and 81.6801° W longitude.

Buffalo is part of the United States and embodies the charm and simplicity of rural South Carolina. The community has a modest population of around 1,300 residents, emphasizing its close-knit, small-town atmosphere. The area covered by Buffalo is roughly 3.5 square miles, making it a compact but vibrant community within Union County.

While Buffalo does not host any major companies or universities, it is known for its historical significance in the textile industry. The Buffalo Mill, which operated from the late 19th century until the mid-20th century, was a central part of the community’s economy and heritage. Today, Buffalo is a quiet residential area with local businesses and services that cater to the needs of its residents.

Major landmarks in and around Buffalo include the Buffalo Mill historic site, which serves as a reminder of the community’s industrial past, and the nearby Sumter National Forest, which offers extensive trails for hiking, biking, and enjoying the natural beauty of the region. Additionally, the community is close to the Broad River, providing opportunities for fishing and recreational activities.

Climate and Weather Overview

Buffalo, South Carolina, experiences a humid subtropical climate, characterized by hot, humid summers and mild to cool winters. The community receives moderate annual precipitation, with the majority occurring during the late spring and summer months. The varied climate supports a range of outdoor activities year-round, making Buffalo an attractive destination for nature enthusiasts and those seeking a peaceful rural lifestyle.

Average Monthly Temperature, Precipitation, and Sunny Days

Month Avg Temperature (°F) Avg Precipitation (inches) Avg Sunny Days
January 44.0 3.8 10
February 47.0 3.5 11
March 55.0 4.3 12
April 63.0 3.6 13
May 71.0 4.0 14
June 78.0 4.3 15
July 82.0 4.6 16
August 81.0 4.2 15
September 74.0 3.8 13
October 63.0 3.3 12
November 54.0 3.2 10
December 46.0 3.4 9

Detailed Weather by Month


January in Buffalo is the coldest month, with average temperatures around 44.0°F. The community typically receives about 3.8 inches of precipitation, mostly as rain. Sunny days are relatively few, averaging around 10 for the month.

Activities: Winter activities such as visiting local historical sites and enjoying scenic drives are popular during this time. The cooler weather is also ideal for exploring nearby Sumter National Forest. While major natural disasters are rare, occasional cold snaps and winter storms can occur, requiring preparedness for extreme weather conditions.


February remains cool with average temperatures slightly higher at 47.0°F. Precipitation decreases slightly to about 3.5 inches, primarily as rain. The community enjoys approximately 11 sunny days in February.

Activities: This month is ideal for continuing winter activities and attending Valentine’s Day events. The serene winter landscape is perfect for photography and exploring local parks. Indoor gatherings and community events remain popular during this colder period.


March marks the beginning of the transition to spring, with average temperatures rising to 55.0°F. Precipitation increases to 4.3 inches, with more frequent rain showers. The number of sunny days increases to 12.

Activities: As the weather starts to warm, early spring hikes and bird watching become more enjoyable. The longer days and blooming flora encourage outdoor activities, although trails can be muddy, so proper footwear is recommended. Local events and festivals celebrating the arrival of spring also begin to take place.


April brings milder temperatures, with averages around 63.0°F. Precipitation averages 3.6 inches, with more rain than snow. Sunny days become more frequent, averaging 13.

Activities: The arrival of spring blossoms makes April a perfect time for exploring the local parks and trails. Fishing season begins as rivers and lakes warm up, and it’s also an excellent time for visiting historical sites and museums. The warmer weather and blooming flowers create ideal conditions for photography and nature walks.


May sees a significant rise in temperatures, averaging 71.0°F. Precipitation remains moderate at 4.0 inches. The number of sunny days increases to 14.

Activities: The warming weather encourages outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and fishing. Local farmers’ markets begin to open, offering fresh produce and handmade goods. May is also a great time for bird watching and exploring the diverse flora and fauna of the nearby parks and nature reserves. The month is also known for its numerous festivals and community events.


June marks the beginning of summer with average temperatures around 78.0°F. Precipitation increases slightly to 4.3 inches. Sunny days are plentiful, averaging 15.

Activities: This is an excellent time for camping, boating, and participating in local festivals. The warm, sunny weather is perfect for exploring Sumter National Forest and enjoying outdoor concerts and events. The numerous trails provide ample opportunities for adventure and exploration.


July is the warmest month in Buffalo, with average temperatures peaking at 82.0°F. Precipitation remains steady at 4.6 inches. Sunny days are most frequent, averaging 16.

Activities: Summer activities such as swimming, boating, and picnicking are popular. The Fourth of July celebrations in nearby towns include fireworks, parades, and community events. July is also a perfect time for outdoor adventures in the surrounding natural areas, with necessary precautions for sun protection.


August remains warm with average temperatures around 81.0°F. Precipitation is consistent at 4.2 inches. Sunny days are abundant, averaging 15.

Activities: The warm weather is ideal for continued summer activities. Local agricultural fairs and markets offer fresh produce and crafts. Hiking, biking, and camping are popular, and the nearby lakes provide excellent conditions for water sports and fishing.


September sees a gradual cooling with average temperatures dropping to 74.0°F. Precipitation decreases slightly to 3.8 inches. Sunny days average 13.

Activities: This is a great month for outdoor sports and exploring historical sites. The cooler temperatures make hiking and biking more comfortable. The changing foliage adds a splash of color to the landscape. September is also a good time for attending local harvest festivals and enjoying the fall scenery.


October brings further cooling with average temperatures around 63.0°F. Precipitation remains steady at 3.3 inches. Sunny days are frequent, averaging 12.

Activities: Fall festivals and harvest events are popular in October. The mild weather is perfect for visiting pumpkin patches, corn mazes, and enjoying the fall scenery. The nearby parks and forests are particularly beautiful during this month with their vibrant autumn colors.


November marks the transition to winter with average temperatures dropping to 54.0°F. Precipitation remains steady at 3.2 inches. Sunny days average 10.

Activities: Indoor activities such as visiting museums and attending community events become more popular. The cooler weather signals the start of the holiday season, with local events and celebrations. November is also a good time for early holiday shopping in Buffalo’s charming shops and markets.


December is a cool month in Buffalo, with average temperatures around 46.0°F. Precipitation averages 3.4 inches, primarily as rain. Sunny days are still relatively few, averaging 9.

Activities: Holiday festivities and outdoor activities like hiking and exploring the countryside are common. The cooler weather and festive atmosphere make December a special time in Buffalo, with holiday markets and events adding to the charm. Exploring the rural landscape during the mild winter days can be particularly rewarding.

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