Evanston, Wyoming Weather by Month

Evanston, Wyoming, is a charming city located in Uinta County in the southwestern part of the state. It lies near the Utah border, approximately 80 miles east of Salt Lake City. The city’s geographical coordinates are 41.2686° N latitude and 110.9635° W longitude, placing it in a region characterized by its beautiful high plains and proximity to the Uinta Mountains.

Evanston is part of the United States and serves as a vital community within Wyoming. As of the most recent census, the population of Evanston is around 11,600 residents, making it a small but vibrant city. The city covers an area of about 10.32 square miles, providing a blend of urban amenities and vast open spaces.

One notable company in Evanston is the Union Pacific Railroad, which has played a significant role in the city’s development and economy. The railroad’s presence is a testament to Evanston’s historical importance as a transportation hub. Additionally, while there are no major universities within the city itself, nearby educational institutions in Salt Lake City offer higher education opportunities for residents.

Evanston boasts several major landmarks and attractions. The Bear River State Park offers stunning natural landscapes and recreational activities. The historic Roundhouse and Railyards Complex is a key landmark, highlighting Evanston’s rich railroad heritage. Additionally, the Evanston Main Street Historic District features beautifully preserved buildings that provide a glimpse into the city’s past.

Climate and Weather Overview

Evanston, Wyoming, experiences a semi-arid climate, characterized by cold, snowy winters and warm, dry summers. The city receives moderate annual precipitation, with most of it occurring during the spring and summer months. The varied climate supports a diverse range of outdoor activities throughout the year.

Average Monthly Temperature, Precipitation, and Sunny Days

Month Avg Temperature (°F) Avg Precipitation (inches) Avg Sunny Days
January 19.2 0.8 18
February 23.8 0.7 18
March 31.8 1.0 20
April 40.6 1.3 21
May 50.5 1.4 23
June 59.4 1.0 26
July 67.2 0.6 30
August 65.7 0.7 29
September 56.3 1.0 25
October 44.4 1.0 23
November 30.1 0.9 19
December 21.1 0.8 18

Detailed Weather by Month


January in Evanston is the coldest month, with average temperatures around 19.2°F. The city typically sees about 0.8 inches of precipitation, mainly as snow. Sunny days are relatively frequent, averaging around 18 for the month.

Activities: Winter sports such as snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, and ice fishing are popular during this time. The snowy landscape provides beautiful scenery for outdoor photography and winter hikes. While major natural disasters are rare, heavy snowfalls and occasional blizzards can occur, requiring preparedness for extreme weather conditions.


February remains cold with average temperatures slightly higher at 23.8°F. Precipitation decreases to about 0.7 inches, primarily as snow. The town enjoys approximately 18 sunny days in February.

Activities: This month is ideal for continuing winter sports and activities. The serene snow-covered landscape is perfect for snowshoeing and winter wildlife watching. Valentine’s Day events and cozy indoor gatherings are popular during this colder period.


March marks the beginning of the transition to spring, with average temperatures rising to 31.8°F. Precipitation increases to 1.0 inch, with a mix of snow and rain. The number of sunny days increases to 20.

Activities: As the weather starts to warm, early spring hikes and bird watching become more enjoyable. The melting snow and longer days encourage outdoor activities, although trails can be muddy, so proper footwear is recommended.


April brings milder temperatures, with averages around 40.6°F. Precipitation averages 1.3 inches, with more rain than snow. Sunny days become more frequent, averaging 21.

Activities: The arrival of spring blossoms makes April a perfect time for exploring the local parks and trails. Fishing season begins as rivers and lakes thaw, and it’s also an excellent time for visiting historical sites and museums.


May sees a significant rise in temperatures, averaging 50.5°F. Precipitation remains moderate at 1.4 inches, and the number of sunny days increases to 23.

Activities: The warming weather encourages outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and fishing. Local farmers’ markets begin to open, offering fresh produce and handmade goods. May is also a great time for bird watching and exploring the diverse flora and fauna of the Bear River State Park.


June marks the beginning of summer with average temperatures around 59.4°F. Precipitation is relatively low at 1.0 inch, and sunny days are plentiful, averaging 26.

Activities: This is an excellent time for camping, boating, and participating in local festivals. The warm, sunny weather is perfect for exploring the Bear River State Park and enjoying outdoor concerts and events. The numerous lakes and rivers provide ample opportunities for swimming and fishing.


July is the warmest month in Evanston, with average temperatures peaking at 67.2°F. Precipitation is at its lowest, averaging 0.6 inches, and sunny days are most frequent, averaging 30.

Activities: Summer activities such as swimming, boating, and picnicking are at their peak. The Fourth of July celebrations in Evanston include fireworks, parades, and community events, making it a vibrant time to visit. July is also perfect for outdoor adventures in the surrounding natural areas.


August remains warm with average temperatures around 65.7°F. Precipitation remains low at 0.7 inches, and sunny days are abundant, averaging 29.

Activities: The warm weather is ideal for continued summer activities. Local agricultural fairs and markets offer fresh produce and crafts. Hiking, biking, and camping are popular, and the nearby Uinta Mountains provide excellent conditions for outdoor exploration and fishing.


September sees a gradual cooling with average temperatures dropping to 56.3°F. Precipitation increases slightly to 1.0 inch, and sunny days average 25.

Activities: This is a great month for outdoor sports and exploring historical sites. The cooler temperatures make hiking and biking more comfortable, and the changing foliage adds a splash of color to the landscape. September is also a good time for attending local harvest festivals and enjoying the fall scenery.


October brings further cooling with average temperatures around 44.4°F. Precipitation averages 1.0 inch, and sunny days are fewer, averaging 23.

Activities: Fall festivals and harvest events are popular in October. The mild weather is perfect for visiting pumpkin patches, corn mazes, and enjoying the fall scenery. The nearby state parks and mountains are particularly beautiful during this month with their vibrant autumn colors.


November marks the transition to winter with average temperatures dropping to 30.1°F. Precipitation averages 0.9 inches, and sunny days decrease to 19.

Activities: Indoor activities such as visiting museums and attending community events become more popular. The colder weather signals the start of the holiday season, with local events and celebrations. November is also a good time for early holiday shopping in Evanston’s charming downtown.


December is a cold month in Evanston, with average temperatures around 21.1°F. Precipitation averages 0.8 inches, and sunny days are still relatively frequent, averaging 18.

Activities: Holiday festivities and winter sports like ice skating and snowshoeing are common. The colder weather and festive atmosphere make December a special time in Evanston, with holiday markets and events adding to the charm.

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