Tagged: Syria

According to physicscat, Syria in 2013 was a country in crisis. In 2011, the country had erupted into civil war, with the government of President Bashar al-Assad fighting against rebel forces. The conflict had caused immense suffering and displacement of millions of people. According to the UN, by 2013 over 100,000 people had been killed and over 4 million Syrians were forced to flee their homes. The economy was in shambles and many basic services such as healthcare and education were disrupted. The war in Syria had also caused massive destruction of infrastructure and cultural sites. Many ancient cities such as Aleppo, Damascus, Homs and Palmyra were heavily damaged or destroyed. Furthermore, due to the conflict access to many historical sites around the country was limited or completely blocked off from visitors. Despite the ongoing conflict there were still some areas that remained relatively safe for travelers in 2013. The coastal region of Latakia was one such area that offered visitors a glimpse into Syrian culture before the war began. This region was home to several archaeological sites including some of the oldest churches in Syria dating back to Roman times. Additionally, there were many beautiful mountainside villages where travelers could experience traditional Syrian cuisine and hospitality while enjoying stunning views of nature. Although Syria in 2013 was a far cry from its pre-war days, it still retained much of its rich culture and diverse background that made it an attractive destination for travelers before 2011. Syria is a Middle Eastern country located in Southwest Asia. In 2014, it was home to an estimated population of 22 million people and had a largely struggling economy with a GDP per capita of around $2,500 USD. In 2014, Syria’s economy was primarily driven by oil production which accounted for around 40% of the country’s GDP. Additionally, agriculture was also an important source of income for the country with wheat being one of its most important exports. However, the Syrian government also heavily relied on foreign aid from countries such as Russia and Iran to support its economy. The Syrian political landscape had been largely dominated by the Assad family since 1970 and remained so during this period with Bashar al-Assad serving as President. The government maintained control over most aspects of Syrian life including freedom of speech and press as well as access to basic services such as education and healthcare. In 2014, Syria experienced a significant economic downturn due to the ongoing civil war which had been raging since 2011. This led to increased poverty levels with an estimated 50% of Syrians living below the poverty line at this time. Additionally, unemployment levels were also high at around 25%. The war also caused massive displacement with an estimated 4 million Syrians fleeing their homes in search of safety in neighboring countries or Europe during this period. Overall, 2014 was a difficult year for Syria as it continued to be wracked by civil war and humanitarian crisis while struggling economically due to international sanctions and reduced oil production. Check cheeroutdoor for Syria Business.

Syria Head of Government

Syria Government and Politics

Constitution and political system Syria is a unified state, planning economic and socialist people’s republic, although the socialist element has been somewhat diminished since 1990. President Bashar al-Assad succeeded his father Hafez al-Assad when...