Andorra Population

Population Distribution

As of 2023, the latest population of Andorra is 77,000, based on our calculation of the current data from UN (United Nations).

Total population 77,000
Population growth rate -0.06%
Birth rate 7.50 births per 1,000 people
Life expectancy
Overall life expectancy 82.58 years
Men life expectancy 80.46 years
Women life expectancy 84.83 years
Age structure
0-14 years 14.06%
15-64 years 69.76%
65 years and above 16.18%
Median age 43.00 years
Gender ratio (Male to Female) 1.07
Population density 164.53 residents per km²
Urbanization 91.70%
46% Andorrans, 26% Spaniards, 14% Portuguese, 5% French and others
Catholics (Roman Catholic) 94.2%; Jews 0.4%; Others 5.4%
Human Development Index (HDI) 0.857
HDI ranking 36th out of 194

People in Andorra

Around 77,000 people live in Andorra today. In 1900 the population was only 6,000. Since then, the population has grown rapidly. Andorrans – that’s the name of the people who live in Andorra – make up only about half of the population (49 percent). There are also Spanish (25 percent), Portuguese (14 percent) and French (4 percent) as well as people from other countries living in Andorra.

Where do the people of Andorra live?

Most of the residents live in the towns that formed in the Valira valley. Overall, 88 percent of the people live in a city. Andorra la Vella is the largest city with almost 23,000 residents, followed by Escaldes-Engordany with 14,000 residents and Encamp with 13,500 residents.

Languages in Andorra

The official language of Andorra is Catalan. However, only 39 percent speak Catalan as their mother tongue and 58 percent use it most frequently in everyday life. That is why one often hears other languages ​​in Andorra, most often Spanish (Castilian), followed by Portuguese and French – according to the residents of Andorra.

Catalan is written using Latin letters (these are the letters you see here too). There are several dialects. The Catalan spoken in Andorra is part of Western Catalan.

Religions in Andorra

90 percent of the population belong to the Roman Catholic Church.

Andorra Overview

Located in the eastern Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain, Andorra is a tiny principality renowned for its stunning alpine landscapes and duty-free shopping. Despite its small size, Andorra boasts an impressive array of outdoor activities, including skiing in the winter and hiking in the summer, attracting adventurers and nature enthusiasts alike. Its charming villages, like the capital Andorra la Vella, feature Romanesque churches and quaint stone houses, adding to its picturesque allure. Andorra’s status as a tax haven and its unique co-principality governance system further contribute to its international intrigue.

  • Capital City: Andorra la Vella
  • Population: Approximately 77,000
  • Area: 468 square kilometers
  • Full Country Name: Principality of Andorra
  • Currency: Euro (EUR)
  • Language: Catalan
  • ISO Country Codes: AD, AND

Bordering Countries of Andorra

Andorra is a small landlocked country in the Pyrenees mountains bordered by France to the north and Spain to the south. It has a total land border of 84.4 km with its neighboring countries.

France borders Andorra to the north with a total land border length of 55.7 km; this region has been an important cultural hub since ancient times due to its strategic location between two major European countries. Spain borders Andorra to the south with a total land border length of 28.7 km; this region has seen much conflict in recent years due to its strategic importance for control of resources in the Pyrenees mountains.

France and Spain have strong cultural ties with each other, as well as with Andorra, due to their shared history and language. Additionally, both countries are members of the European Union, which provides economic and political stability for all three countries in the region.

The mountainous terrain between France and Spain also provides an important natural barrier between these two countries that helps maintain peace in this region. This mountainous terrain is also home to several ski resorts which attract tourists from around the world looking for an unforgettable experience in Andorra’s majestic mountain landscape.

The close proximity of these two countries also allows for easy travel between them, making it possible for people from both sides of the border to explore each other’s cultures and learn more about their shared history and language. Additionally, both France and Spain have strong international relations which help ensure that there is no conflict between them or with Andorra over political or economic issues that could affect any one country’s interests or security.


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